Quality Rating 2: Family Engagement
Examples of Family Engagement Opportunities
Family engagement involves relationships that “support [families’] well-being, strong parent-child relationships, and the ongoing learning and development of parents and children alike” 1. Programs that promote family engagement view the responsibility for a child’s development and learning as a collaborative effort between families, caregivers, programs, school staff, and community members. They take steps to connect families to community resources and support families to be their child’s best advocate.

This section helps you meet the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Family Engagement: ADM 5.2. To meet these requirements, you will upload documentation of the family engagement opportunities your program provides to families.
Select the Requirements tab to learn more about key information to include in your documentation.
1The Maryland Family Engagement Coalition (2015) The early childhood family engagement framework: Maryland’s vision for engaging families with young children.