
Explore our collection of additional supports available for programs and providers participating in Maryland EXCELS and/or Maryland Accreditation. These tutorials provide easy to follow, step-by-step instructions to assist with common actions and features in both systems.

Visit Tutorials on the Maryland EXCELS website to access these helpful guides.

Enrichment Resources

Explore our collection of additional resources that dive deeper into common topics in early childhood education. Designed for all program types, these resources provide practical activities to help you apply research-based information into your own program.

Individualizing a Daily Schedule

Daily schedules contribute to the structure and flow of your environment. Find out how to develop a daily schedule that meets the needs of young children.

Fact or Opinion

Unbiased or objective observations are based on facts compared to subjective observations that are based opinions. Are you an objective or a subjective observer? Find out more.

Observe and Plan

Ongoing observation is important for planning purposeful learning experiences and activities. Find out more about how to use observations to improve your lesson plans.

Transition Tips

Transitioning between activities can be a challenging time. Find practical tips and strategies for smooth transitions throughout the day.

Play It Safe

Children’s safety is a priority at all times, especially during play periods. Learn about simple steps for keeping children safe at play while still having fun.

Family Albums & Scrapbooks

Family albums and scrapbooks are fun ways for children to learn more about themselves and for you to learn more about the children and families in your program. Find tips on engaging children and families in a special project to create a book that tells each family’s story.

Power of Play

The benefits of play are well documented in research on human development. Practice techniques for observing children at play and reflecting on the skills they develop that contribute to overall school readiness.

Visual Schedule

Visual schedules help children develop important life skills like independence, self-reliance, and early literacy. Find out how easy it is to create a visual schedule for your setting.