Bulletin boards have evolved from mere colorful decorative displays to essential communication tools for children, families and providers. Child care providers often determine their bulletin board theme based on holidays, seasons or lesson plans. This approach offers children and families a visual representation of current and ongoing program events and lessons.
Turn your bulletin boards into interactive, resourceful and positive tools for children, families and staff by using the tips listed below.

INTERACTIVE – Children interact with a bulletin board to participate in an activity.
- Add movable parts that children use to complete tasks. For example, children choose the center they are working in, practice reading or math skills or track their learning.
- A bulletin board can feature high-frequency words, familiar concepts from books or activities that support a theme.
RESOURCEFUL – Children find answers on a bulletin board.
- Provide relevant information such as the daily schedule, weather or letter of the day.
POSITIVE – Children see that they are valued and respected.
- Display children’s work to promote a sense of community.
- Feature details or images related to upcoming holidays or cultural celebrations.
INTERACTIVE – Families interact with the bulletin board as a way to communicate.
- Display sign-up sheets for family conferences or engagement opportunities.
- Post surveys requesting feedback from families.
RESOURCEFUL – Families learn about the program and resources.
- Display schedules, development/health screening information, permission slips and support opportunities like parenting groups and community resources.
POSITIVE – Families feel valued and respected.
- Create a section to feature business cards, community announcements, savings coupons or ideas for family outings in the local community.

INTERACTIVE – Staff shares and receives information.
- Ask the staff to list supply needs or areas where they need assistance.
- Post important reminders and sign-up sheets.
RESOURCEFUL – Staff finds answers to their questions.
- Display the latest updates for licensing, health concerns, calendar events and emergency procedures.
POSITIVE – Staff feels valued and important.
- Feature information to and from staff, such as thank you notes, achievements, awards and exciting news or photos.
The more often bulletin boards are updated, the more likely everyone will notice and engage with the material posted. Schedule a specific day each month or quarter to update bulletin boards. Encourage community engagement and connection by involving staff, families and even the children when updating bulletin boards. The more intentional you are with this activity by including others, the more interactive, resourceful and effective your bulletin boards will be!