Quality Rating 3: Implementation
Daily Schedule and Recent Lesson Plan
Children develop, learn, and thrive in environments that provide positive interactions and engaging activities. Creating environments where all children thrive requires careful planning and organization, especially since no two children are exactly alike.
Purposeful schedules, daily routines, and meaningful activities are important elements in environments that support children’s development and learning. In these settings, lesson plans are individualized to meet the unique needs of all children, including children with special health care needs or disabilities. Schedules include multiple opportunities for children to interact and learn through whole group, small group, and individual activities. Adequate time and support allow children to move easily from one activity to another. Domain-based activities contribute to early literacy skill development and promote school readiness.

Your daily schedule and lesson plans demonstrate the time and attention you invest in creating an environment where all children develop, learn, and thrive. This section helps you review, revise, or create a daily schedule and lesson plan to meet the requirements for Developmentally Appropriate Learning and Practice: Implementation: DAP 6.3 (DAP 5.3 – School-Age Only).
Select the Requirements tab to learn about key components to include in your daily schedule and lesson plan.