Quality Rating 4: Accreditation
To meet the requirements for Accreditation and Rating Scales: Accreditation: ACR 1.4, you will:
- Obtain verification from an accrediting organization recognized by MSDE showing that you have begun the accreditation process, are actively pursuing accreditation, and are within the time allowed by the accrediting organization
- Upload verification documentation (example: email confirmation, scanned copy of confirmation letter)
Verification of Accreditation Process
Programs that choose to pursue accreditation engage in a reflective process of self-study, program improvement, and external evaluation.
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) recognizes national accrediting organizations as aligning with the overall mission and high standards for early childhood, public prekindergarten and school-age child care programs. These organizations provide guidance and oversight as program’s seek accreditation.
What does the documentation look like?
You will upload a copy of any documentation from an accrediting organization recognized by MSDE verifying that your program has begun the accreditation process, is actively pursuing accreditation, and is within the time allowed by the accrediting organization.
NOTE: Ratings are valid for one year. If your program has not achieved accreditation and met the requirements for ACR 1.5 within this time, you are required to submit updated documentation from the accrediting organization that meet the requirements of this subcategory.