Quality Rating 4: Performance Evaluations
Performance Evaluation Schedule & Performance Evaluation Tool
When Sarah was hired as a lead teacher in a child care program, she received a staff handbook that described the purpose, schedule, and specific details about the program’s staff evaluation process. Six months passed and it was time for Sarah’s evaluation. She reviewed the handbook she received her first day on the job. This information helped her to better understand what to expect from the process and how to prepare to participate in it. She felt confident the evaluation would be a positive learning experience for her.
This section guides you through reviewing, revising, or creating policies and procedures for staff evaluations. It helps you meet the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Performance Evaluation: ADM 9.4.
Select the Requirements tab to learn about key information to include in your documentation.
NOTE: No further action or documentation is required for Family Child Care programs that do not employ staff members.