Quality Rating 4: Screen Time
Next Steps
Check your document one more time as you prepare to upload it to the Maryland EXCELS System.
Step 1: Check your document
Make sure your screen time policy includes the following:
- Types of screens available to children (television, tablets, computers, etc.)
- Purpose, availability, and limitations related to screen use
- Age(s) of children exposed to screens
- How screen time is directly related to children’s learning
- How program staff facilitate learning and engage with children when screens are in use
- Other options are available to children when screens are in use
Step 2: Save your document
Use a file name you can find easily when you upload it to the system (example: screen-time-policy.docx)
Use any one of these formats:
- Typed electronic version of (examples: Microsoft Word, PDF)
- Scanned versions of (examples: PDF, PNG, JPG)
- Digital image of (examples: JPG, PNG, PDF)
Step 3: Upload your document (DAP 7.4; DAP 6.4 - School-Age Only)
Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload your program’s Screen Time Policy.