Quality Rating 5: Accreditation
To meet the requirements for Accreditation and Rating Scales: Accreditation: ACR 1.5, you will upload:
- A current letter or certificate of accreditation
- Documentation from an accrediting agency recognized by MSDE that your program’s annual report was received.
NOTE: The Maryland Accreditation program does not require an annual report. Therefore, no annual report is required if your program is accredited through MSDE.
Accreditation Certificate or Letter
Accreditation involves a process of reflection and evaluation aimed at demonstrating quality practices and a commitment to ongoing improvement. A program that chooses to pursue accreditation completes a self-study, plans for improvement, participates in a site visit by the accrediting organization, and maintains its accreditation status according to the accrediting organization’s policies. Accreditation processes vary depending on the accrediting organization.
What does the documentation look like?
You will upload the letter or certificate of accreditation your program received from an accreditation organization recognized by MSDE.
NOTE: Programs that are accredited by NAFCC will upload a certificate with the date the program first received accreditation, including any annual renewal stickers.