Quality Rating 5: Education/Experience


All programs will upload documentation of each lead staff member’s credentials. The specific requirements for Staff Qualifications and Professional Development: Education / Experience: STF1.5 vary slightly depending on your program type. You can review the specific requirements for your program type through the Requirements tab.

Lead Staff/Teachers

A lead staff member is the person assigned by the program to be responsible for the overall functioning and supervision of the classroom including but not limited to, licensing requirements, educational programming, and parent communication.

To meet the requirements for STF 1.5, at least 50% of your lead staff members must be credentialed at Level 4+ or higher. A provider, co-provider, or director who serves as a lead teacher should be listed as both the Director and Lead Staff / Teacher.

Providers / co-provider, and directors may have an Administrator Credential (Level 2 or higher) or Staff Credential (Level 4+ or higher)

What does the documentation look like?

Documentation includes a comment to your Program Coordinator listing your program’s lead staff members, including the provider, co-provider, or program director. Information on other staff members (ex. assistant teachers, aides) is not required.

Maryland Child Care Credential

The Maryland Child Care Credential recognizes child care providers who go beyond licensing and registration regulations. There are seven levels of staff credentials and four administrative levels. Each level recognizes an individual’s achievement of a specific number of training hours, years of experience, and professional activities which lead to quality child care.

What does the documentation look like?

You will upload a valid (non-expired) credentialing certificate or award letter for all lead staff members who are credentialed at Level 4+ or higher (Staff Credential) or at Level 2 or higher (Administrator Credential).

Please note: The Maryland Child Care Credential Program is not accepting applications July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. If this affects the program’s ability to meet STF 1, please review these frequently asked questions.

Where can you learn more?

  • Child Care Credential Program Credentials are issued for a 12-month period and may be renewed if you continue working in a registered or licensed child care program, complete continued training for the applicable credential level, and participate in professional activities related to the child care profession for the applicable level.
  • Professional Support  Find the contact information for the many resources available to help guide you through your program improvement.
  • Maryland Child Care Credential Program Booklet This booklet provides detailed information on the Maryland Child Care Credential Program.
  • Maryland Family Network’s Statewide Training Clearinghouse Calendar Training is available to help new and current child care providers meet minimum state requirements and to achieve higher levels of professional development.