Quality Rating 5: Education/Experience

Lead Staff List and Child Care Credential

Ongoing training is important to everyone in the workforce. It is one way to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the roles and responsibilities of any job. For the child care community, ongoing training helps practitioners develop the knowledge and skills needed to deliver quality programs to children and families. Training in program administration and business practices helps administrators, directors, and managers meet the demands of leading a successful child care program. Programs participating in Maryland EXCELS are encouraged to seek ongoing training and to participate in Maryland’s Child Care Credential Program.

This section explains the requirements for Staff Qualifications and Professional Development: Education / Experience: STF1.5. These requirements focus on documenting the credentials of your program’s lead staff.

Select Requirements for information about the credential levels required for your lead staff members.

The Maryland Child Care Credential Program is not accepting applications July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. If the program is unable to meet the requirements of STF 1 because the Maryland Child Care Credential Program is not currently operating, and STF is the only content area preventing the program from reaching a higher quality rating, review these frequently asked questions. You may also contact your Program Coordinator or Quality Assurance Specialist for assistance.