Licensing & Compliance
Building on the foundation of the State’s rigorous child care licensing requirements, Maryland EXCELS provides the opportunity for programs to demonstrate achievements that exceed state specifications in providing quality education experiences to young children.

Staff Qualifications & Professional Development
Having a qualified workforce is essential to providing quality early childhood experiences for children. Ongoing professional development helps teachers, child care providers, and administrators follow current best practices and improve the knowledge and skills essential for providing quality programming.

Accreditation & Rating Scales
Quality early care and education programs provide environments that engage children in positive experiences that develop their skills and abilities. Programs participating in Maryland EXCELS use research-based tools to assess practices, engage in program evaluation, and commit to continuous program improvement.

Developmentally Appropriate Learning & Practice
Developmentally appropriate practice ensures that the individual needs, interests, and abilities of each child are met. Through intentional planning and implementation, quality child care programs provide environments, experiences, materials, and interactions that allow each child to grow to their potential.

Administrative Policies & Practices
Clear communication of a program’s policies and practices is integral to the success of any program. Sharing the policies and procedures with families and/or with staff builds the foundation of trusting relationships.