ADM 4: Family Engagement
Family engagement involves relationships that “support [families’] well-being, strong parent-child relationships, and the ongoing learning and development of parents and children alike” ¹. Programs that promote family engagement view the responsibility for a child’s development and learning as a collaborative effort between families, caregivers, programs, school staff, and community members. They take various steps to support and connect with families, including helping them maximize different community resources as their child’s best advocate.
¹The Maryland Family Engagement Coalition (2015) The early childhood family engagement framework: Maryland’s vision for engaging families with young children.
Level 5:
Families are provided with at least five different ways to be engaged in the Pre-K program. Students provide input for projects that could be enhanced by family participation.
Documentation to upload:
- Examples of at least five different types of opportunities for family engagement already shared with families
- Statement describing how students provide input for projects that could be enhanced by family participation
Consider how the program engages families, and gather documentation indicating different family engagement opportunities. Some examples include invitations, websites, emails, flyers, or newsletters. Ensure that the documents represent five different types of opportunities rather than the same opportunities offered multiple times. For example, a parenting workshop offered at different times is the same type of opportunity.
Use the Build a Statement tools below to create the statement requirement.
Build a Statement
Develop a statement describing how students provide input for projects that could be enhanced by family participation. The Reflection Question below will help you consider what is done in the program to capture it when creating your statement. After reflecting on the question, you are ready to build your statement.
Reflection Question
- When and how do students suggest projects that could be enhanced by family participation? Think about specific examples of projects where student input enhanced family participation.
Upon reflecting on the question, you have the option to download and save the Family Engagement Template to create the required statement.
If you need more support writing the statement, use the Family Engagement Writer’s Tips link to find examples and for additional guidance.
Next Steps
- Review the materials you gathered and confirm they include five different types of family engagement opportunities.
- Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload the program’s documentation of five different family engagement opportunities and statements.
- Submit for review.