Quality Rating 1: IFSP/IEP


To meet the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: IFSP / IEP: ADM 7.1, your enrollment or intake forms should include:

Request a Copy of a Child’s IFSP or IEP

Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are important documents that outline the unique strengths and needs of children with special health care needs or disabilities. These documents provide guidance on ways providers, educators, and families can work together to support a child’s development and learning. Requesting a copy of these documents as part of your enrollment or intake process communicates your willingness to partner with others to support all the children in your program.

What does the documentation look like?

Your enrollment or intake documents ask families to provide information about their child’s developmental and health histories. As part of that information, your form should ask if a child has an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP). If the child does, request a copy from the family if they are willing to share it with you. Remember this might be a sensitive subject for some families. Sharing these documents is not required. Respect that some families might want to keep some or all of the information private.

Your request may be part of your application form, contract, or handbook.

Statement describing the program’s practices

Maryland EXCELS recognizes the important role all providers play in a child’s development and progress. Knowing and understanding the work of others helps everyone collaborate and serve as partners to support a child’s success. While programs can ask families to share IFSP/IEPs, legally these documents cannot be required as a condition of enrollment. However, sharing these documents will assist the program in meeting children’s needs and allow the program to work effectively with families and service providers.

What does the documentation look like?

If children with special health care needs or disabilities are currently enrolled in your program and information is shared with you, your document will include:

    • A statement describing the program’s practices for working with families and early intervention or special education service providers to support child and family outcomes, if applicable

If no children with special health care needs or disabilities are currently enrolled in your program, your document will include:

    • A comment stating that no children with special health care needs or disabilities are currently enrolled

Where can you learn more?