Quality Rating 2: Staff Meetings


Let’s look at the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Staff Meetings: ADM 8.2.

Review the requirements for your program type.

Some terms may be unfamiliar to you. Select the hyperlinks for more information.

Child Care Center

ADM 8.2: Staff Meetings

Staff Meetings are conducted at least four times per year.

Documentation to submit: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Meeting Agenda, Sign-in Sheet

Family Child Care

ADM 8.2: Staff Meetings

Staff Meetings are conducted at least four times per year.

Documentation to submit: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Meeting Agenda, Sign-in Sheet

Note: If you are a family child care provider and do not employ any additional staff, this item is not required and will be marked “N/A” by your Program Coordinator. No further action or documentation is required.

School-Age Only

ADM 8.2: Staff Meetings

Staff Meetings are conducted at least four times per year.

Documentation to submit: Yearly Staff Meeting Schedule, Meeting Agenda, Sign-in Sheet

Key Terms

Staff Meetings

Staff meetings are documented by a schedule that lists or describes when staff meetings are held throughout the year. Your schedule may include a list of dates or a statement describing when staff meetings are held. (Example: “Staff meetings are held once per quarter.”)