Quality Rating 2: Performance Evaluations


Let’s look at the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Performance Evaluations: ADM 9.2.

Review the requirements for your program type.

Some terms may be unfamiliar to you. Select the hyperlinks for more information.

Child Care Center

ADM 9.2: Performance Evaluations

Staff performance evaluated at least annually.

Documentation to submit: Staff Performance Evaluation Schedule

Family Child Care

ADM 9.2: Performance Evaluations

Staff performance evaluated at least annually.

NOTE: No further action or documentation is required for Family Child Care programs that do not employ staff members.

Documentation to submit: Staff Performance Evaluation Schedule

School-Age Only

ADM 9.2: Performance Evaluations

Staff performance evaluated at least annually.

Documentation to submit: Staff Performance Evaluation Schedule

Key Terms

Staff Performance Evaluations:

Staff performance evaluations describe in writing a staff members’ on-the-job performance and include specific steps that lead to improved practice. Routine evaluations should occur on a consistent schedule. Schedules help employees plan ahead and communicate the importance of evaluation as part of ongoing program and professional improvement. Some situations require additional evaluations to deliver support to employees as needed.