Quality Rating 4: Environment

Next Steps

Check your document one more time as you prepare to upload it to the Maryland EXCELS System.

Step 1: Check your document

Check your documentation and be sure you include:

  1. Your philosophy statement that describes:
  • How your environment is developmentally appropriate for the children enrolled
  • How your program welcomes children of all abilities into your program
  • How your program balances child-initiated and teacher-directed activities throughout the day
  • How your program plans and delivers activities that reflect the children’s interests, primary languages, and cultural backgrounds
  1. Your daily schedule (DAP 6.4)

Step 2: Save your document

Use a file name you can find easily when you upload it to the system (example: philosophy-statement.docx)

Use any one of these formats:

  • Typed electronic version of your philosophy statement and daily schedule (examples: Microsoft Word, PDF)
  • Scanned versions of your philosophy statement and daily schedule (examples: PDF, PNG, JPG)
  • Digital image of your philosophy statement and daily schedule (examples: JPG, PNG, PDF)

Step 3: Upload your document (DAP 1.4)

Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload your program’s philosophy statement and daily schedule.

Select Add new file, Select file and save.