Quality Rating 5: Receipt of Policies


The following shows the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Receipt of Policies: ADM 2.5. To meet the requirements, you will upload a signed written receipt documenting that a family received a copy of your program’s written policies at the time of enrollment. Your written policies may be in the form of a family handbook, written agreement or contact.

You may leave a comment for your Program Coordinator if the receipt does not clearly show when the family received the written information.

Select the option that applies to your program type:

Child Care Center

ADM 2.5: Receipt of Policies

Families are provided with information upon enrollment and written receipt is documented.

Documentation to submit: Signed written receipt from a family

Family Child Care

ADM 2.5: Receipt of Policies

Families provided with information upon enrollment and written receipt is documented.

Documentation to submit: Signed written receipt from a family

School-Age Only

ADM 2.5: Receipt of Policies

Families provided with information upon enrollment and written receipt is documented.

Documentation to submit: Signed written receipt from a family