Quality Rating 5: Performance Evaluations
To meet the requirements for Administrative Policies and Practices: Performance Evaluations: ADM 9.5, your documentation should include:
- A performance evaluation schedule that you share with your staff members. The schedule may be in any format, including a policy given to staff members in a handbook. It should clearly explain that evaluations are conducted at least once a year with each staff member, and as needed for professional improvement.
- A copy of your program’s performance evaluation tool
Written Staff Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluations help your staff gain insight into their job performance and offer ways they can continue to improve their practices. Evaluations may also include an opportunity for employees to reflect on their own performance or to complete a self-evaluation, state career goals, and identify areas for growth. The evaluation process should be supportive and point out staff members’ strengths and target areas for improvement.
When conducted regularly, a performance evaluation encourages open communication between a program director and staff members. It provides an opportunity to discuss training and other professional development activities that support professional growth, improvement, and progress toward goals.
Written evaluations provide a record of staff members’ performance over time, the goals that are set for improved practice, and progress toward those goals. High-quality performance evaluation tools follow best practices and include:
- Objective, behavior-based criteria
- Criteria tied to specific responsibilities included in job descriptions
- Evaluation ratings based on a review of multiple sources of documentation (examples: samples of work, feedback from families, formal observations conducted by supervisors, activities or tasks performed outside of a job description)
- Annual goals
What does the documentation look like?
Your documentation includes:
- Your program’s staff evaluation schedule clearly showing that performance evaluations are conducted at least once a year, and as needed for professional improvement. The schedule may be in any format, including as a policy in the handbook your staff receives at the time of hire.
- Your program’s performance evaluation tool that documents staff evaluations in writing.