Quality Rating 5: Performance Evaluations

Next Steps

Check your staff performance evaluation schedule and performance evaluation tool as you prepare to upload them to the Maryland EXCELS System.

Step 1: Check your document

Your document should include:

  • A schedule of staff performance evaluations documenting that evaluations occur at least once a year with each staff member, or as needed for professional improvement. Your schedule may be in any format, including as a policy written in a staff handbook.
  • A staff performance evaluation tool used in your program with your staff members.

Step 2: Save your document

Use a file name you can find easily when you upload it to the system (example: performance-evaluations.docx).

Use any one of these formats:

  • Typed electronic version of your evaluation schedule and evaluation tool (examples: Microsoft Word, PDF)
  • Scanned version of your evaluation schedule and evaluation tool (examples: PDF, PNG, JPG)
  • Digital image of your evaluation schedule and evaluation tool (examples: JPG, PNG, PDF)
  • Identified section within your staff handbook (examples: PDF, PNG, JPG)

Step 3: Upload your document (ADM 9.5)

Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload your program’s performance evaluation schedule and performance evaluation tool.

Select Add new file, Select file and save.