ADM 8: Performance Expectations


Performance evaluations provide staff with valuable insight into their job performance and offer ways they can continue to improve their practices. Evaluations also allow employees to self-evaluate and reflect, state their career goals, and identify areas for growth.

Providing teachers with a clear explanation of the evaluation requirements and expectations can help them understand the process and what steps to take next.


Level 4:

The LEA provides a copy of the teacher performance expectations to all instructional staff members.

Documentation to upload:

  • Teacher evaluation form

Note: The evaluation form should be blank or have the teacher’s name redacted to protect their privacy. 

The next level only has a few additional requirements. Take a look at Level 5. You may be closer than you think! 

Next Steps

  • Review your program’s teacher evaluation form to confirm that it was LEA-issued and does not contain identifying information.
  • Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload the LEAs teacher evaluation form.
  • Submit for review.