DAP 5: Instructional Materials
A well-planned environment, meaningful lesson plans, and the important relationships children experience in a classroom create quality educational experiences. Intentionally selected materials that meet the children’s individual needs are also integral to a quality classroom.
Level 5:
The school has a procedure for reviewing and updating instructional materials. All materials, resources, and use of technology are developmentally appropriate, accessible, promote multiple modes of exploration and learning, reflect children’s interests, culture(s) and language(s), support children of all abilities, support instructional outcomes, are designed to engage students in meaningful learning, and reflect student participation in selecting and adapting materials.
Documentation to upload: A statement describing the selection and use of instructional materials
Build a Statement
Develop a statement that describes how instructional materials are selected and used in your program. The Reflection Questions below will help you consider what is done in the program to capture it when creating your statement. After reflecting on the questions below, you’re ready to build your statement.
Reflection Questions
- How does the program ensure that the materials, resources, and technology selected and used are developmentally appropriate for the children enrolled in the program?
- Where are materials kept to make them easily accessible to the children?
- How are materials, resources, and technology selected that promote multiple modes of exploration and learning? Give some examples.
- What kinds of materials, resources, and technology are selected that reflect the children’s interests, primary language(s), and cultural background(s)?
- What kinds of materials, resources, and technology are selected to support children of all abilities?
- How do the instructional materials, resources, and technology support instructional outcomes?
- How are the instructional materials, resources, and technology designed to engage students in meaningful learning?
- What role do students play in selecting and adapting instructional materials, resources, and technology?
After reflecting, you have the option to download and save the Selection and Use of Materials template to create your statement.
If you need more support writing your Materials Statement, use Writers Tips and Prompts to find examples and get more guidance.
Next Steps
- Review the Materials Statement to ensure that it addresses all the required topics.
- Log into the Maryland EXCELS System to upload your program’s statement.
- Submit for review.