Checklist for Quality Rating 4
School Approval (APV)
APV 1: Facility
- Learn more: Approved School (same as Level 5)
APV 2: Learning Program
- Learn more: Approved Program (same as Level 5)
Teacher Qualifications and Professional Development (TQF)
TQF 1: Teacher Certification
Accreditation & Validation Rating Scales (AVR)
AVR 1: Validation
AVR 2: Rating Scale
- Step by Step Guide: Summary report completed by MSDE-approved assessor (same as Level 5)
AVR 3: Program Improvement Plan
Developmentally Appropriate Learning & Practice (DAP)
DAP 1: Environment
- Step-by-Step Guide: Methodology Statement & Daily Schedule (same as Level 5)
DAP 2: Planning and Implementation
DAP 3: Positive Guidance
- Step-by-Step Guide: Positive Behavioral Practices Policy (same as Level 5)
DAP 4: Curriculum
- Step-by-Step Guide: Curriculum Statement (same as Level 5)
DAP 5: Instructional Materials
DAP 6: Differentiated Instruction
DAP 7: Developmental Screening
DAP 8: Child Assessment
- Step-by-Step Guide: Child Assessment Procedures Statement (same as Level 5)
DAP 9: Sharing Results
- Step-by-Step Guide: Sharing Results Statement (same as Level 5)
Administrative Policies & Practices (ADM)
ADM 1: School Information
ADM 2: Nutritional Information
- Step-by-Step Guide: Nutrition Information provided to families (same as Level 5)
ADM 3: Nutritious Meals
ADM 4: Family Engagement
ADM 5: Parent-Teacher Conferences
ADM 6: Staff Meetings
ADM 7: Instructional Support
ADM 8: Performance Expectations
ADM 9: Performance Evaluations
ADM 10: Community Resources Information
ADM 11: Use of Community Resources
ADM 12: Transition
- Step-by-Step Guide: Transition Plans Statement (same as Level 5)